German: the sky is blue
Me: How observant of you
German: Your right, I am very observant, thank you for noticing
Nevertheless, it has lately come to my attention that the Germans do understand sarcasm, or rather that they understand their own particular brand, which is used almost exclusively to convey spite and what a shitty day, week (or 1939-1945) , they are having
Z.B the word toll (good) is used almost exclusively in a bitter sarcastic sense, much like jawoll (the enthusiastic ja as i call it)
Teacher: Ok you're taking the class today, because i dont feel like it
Ali: but i'm only the assistant, i'm not prepared
Teacher: toll.....(lifeless face)
Ali: ok maybe I could do something, spontaneous
Teacher: das wäre wunderschöne.....(lifeless face)
Ali: erm everything alright?
Teacher: jawoll.....
Ali: right then...vielen Dank
the list could go on but there's no real need, because as I write this, I am reminded that I am simply pointing out what has become obvious to most, that the majority of (ok so not all just mostly older generation) Germans are bitter, humorless and wouldn't know a hard days work because they're already to busy filling out Complaint form b6-325 "had to work beyond lunch time today-therefore couldn't go home and eat cabbage or watch Bauer sucht Frau....also there wasn't enough pickle on my Müsli this morning"
Everyday this blog becomes less of a recording of my experiences and more of a rant....maybe its for the best (und daher wird es vielleicht witziger? Egal!)
Wer ist dieser Sherlock? Das macht kein Sinn
Luckily the irony is lost on me......