Freitag, 24. Dezember 2010

Frohe Weihnachten!

Its winter, its cold, i'm home, already bored and my family is grating.......

And i couldn't happier,!

So Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy New Year! Now here's a picture of puppies


Bis nächstes Jahr! 

Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010

I'm fast tiring of this...

Now its not the lack of communication, the way they expect me to constantly have something 'spontaneous' to do, or even the way they'l dump a whole classes on me...weekly...and expect me to teach/occupy them just because they can't be arsed to.
No....thats just standard german rudeness/ used to it and i forgive it because its basically a cultural thing....not to mention these teachers are busy and i dont expect them to make to much effort.

BUT....what i can't stand anymore is the lack of respect. If they're are going to treat me like another member of staff...high expectations, awkward silences and all, then they should act accordingly when asking something of me.

You can't just sit back, expect me to be professional, take your lessons for you, and provide and endless resource of learning materials, then turn around and talk to me as if i'm one of your if YOU'RE the one doing ME the favour.

Thanks for staying late and looking after my class Ali, now fuck're late for another class...lateness is unacceptable

I suppose its the bullshit that's getting to me the most. Today is an excellent example, having shown up early for a lesson I proceeded to wait in the staff room, hoping to find the teacher I was supposed to be 'assisting' (a word so misused it has lost all meaning)
I waited until the bell rang and nothing. So I proceeded to the classroom and joined the pupils who were also waiting for their teacher....10 mins later the teacher strolls in and informs me i'm not needed today.
I know what you're thinking, but no it wasnt the blunt lack of communication or even an apology for wasting my time that pissed me im used to that crap....its the bullshit excuse the teacher used which somehow managed to pin the Schuld on me

"Oh Ali I was looking for you in the Staffroom...that's why I'm so late, where were you?"

WHAT! I was in the staffroom 10mins before the lesson started sunshine, if you were indeed looking for me (and you weren't) you didn't look very hard now, DID YOU?!
Thats what i should of said...instead i said something along the lines of..

"Oh my bad, what the fuck was I thinking, coming to a lesson on time and prepared, I should have of course received your message telepathically " 
(ok so it wasn't quite that sarcastic but you get the picture) 

Oh the bullshit....and it goes on, as everybody's favourite Betreuungslehrerin sent me another charming email again today. 
As well as asking me to check some of her work for her (which of course I don't mind doing at all) she then followed that up with the very patronising....

"There seems to be some confusion as to when you are leaving, term ends on friday....remember you already know you have to talk to me if you want to leave early"

I love the way she asks for a favour, that follows it up with an instruction even a six year old would find patronising. In fairness, it would be a perfectly fair request, if not for the fact that I already cleared with her exactly when I would be going home back in...oh...lets see...OCTOBER!
It really doesn't get much clearer than "I'm leaving 22nd Dec"....and the fact that I already went ahead and cleared this with all the other teacher's.....well its fucking laughable that she'd even ask...let alone in such a fucking disrespectful way.

So, yeah i'm ranting again and in fairness not all the teachers are this infuriating, just most of them...but better to vent here than in the school i suppose 
In the staff room, with the baseball bat

Il end this post/rant on a lighter note; the several really nice things that happened to me recently. 
One of my Klein students gave me some xmas chocolates this week, another told me that she'd miss me over the xmas break, one of my Oberstufe (worried i wasnt coming back) begged me to teach his class next year and then the class unanimously  agreed I was the best English teacher in the school and to top it all my CAE class recently informed me i'm much better than last years assistant (who is often spoken about in the staff room as being some sort of teaching saint) 
All of that was really nice, and meant a great deal...and really its only the kids opinions that I care about, since i'm making the most potential difference to their lives.

Besides fuck school, i'm to Köln this weekend to get drunk off my ass x

Montag, 6. Dezember 2010

So ready for Weihnachtsferien...

I'm going to start this post by saying i love germany, i really do, but it takes its toll

After  a lovely relaxing weekend of pretending i'm not getting ill, Maastricht, drinking excellent beer and smoking some excellent somethingorother,  i'm now back to reality on a Monday.

And reality has hit HARD, impacting like Graham Bowman's fist on another unsuspecting waitress

We can't keep letting him do this..

Speaking german all day/night is tiring...and because its winter i'm slowing down like many a german pensioner. Thus my German has officially turned to crap (2 months progress down the drain) 

Im getting a cold, and its starting to destroy me from the inside, resulting in greater reduction of my mental faculties - ali go stupid(er)
The snow has its benefits, but its a lot more fun when things get cancelled and you can play in it....of course the fun police won't be letting that happen in Germany anytime soon 

Standard walk to work in Aachen

So im dreading tomorrow and the standard "make reading it fail" scenario and instead absolutely jonesing for merry old England, proper snow related fun and complete lack of responsibility. 
Of course i'm just moaning, and by the time friday rolls around and im knee deep in Glühwein and Aachen Allemania then i'l have forgotten all about how shit the week may/or may not have been.

Nevertheless, the blog is basically an outlet for my ranting anyway, so il moan for now....besides i got a letter today from GEZ, which is essentially the same as the TV Licensing wankers in Britain, except it applies to Radio, and they count everything as being able to receive phones, computers, fridges, labradors 
EVERYTHING! And they are threatening my Mitbewohnern and myself with a hefty fine unless we pay up whatever bullshit fee we owe..
Fortunately we have decided as a WG to follow the "fuck it, let's wait and see" approach to these letters, until as Dan put it..."the police and GEZ come knocking at our door" event which im whole heartedly looking forward to.....

Unfortunately this is not what i meant earlier by the German "Fun Police" 

(see thats how you be sarcastic germany)