Montag, 6. Juni 2011

The Year is over/Yankee doodle yay!

So the year is over, much has been learned, said and done.
A stereotype or too has been broken, and others proved to be rock-fucking-solid

They don't fuck around when it comes to parking

I've met some seriously cool people, seen some seriously cool things, taken shit loads of pictures and made friends I hope to keep forever. It really has been a massive year of achievements and new horizons....i mean i rode a bierbike for christ's sake....seriously A BIERBIKE....a bike....that you drink beer on....and ride all over Köln on.....causing shit tons of traffic related havoc.....awesome. 

Oh and Oktoberfest...fuck me that was an EXPERIENCE

And let's not forget the language....i've always had a thing for the german language....we'd been flirting for a an on and off relationship i've kept coming back to and then losing heart for...but finally i've started to commit, we've shared interests and much so, that's its become a huge, integral  part of my life now (i have and am continuing to read interesting german books..arghh!). The relationship is serious now, lets just hope i can keep it together.

And, like I said....the culture has rooted itself in my life.....I crave currywurst, I constantly feel the need to greet and say goodbye to shopkeepers.....I cant even cross the road anymore unless the traffic lights tell me to. Not to mention the beer, oh the that's a love I will never break, and though I may owe the majority of my newfound bier knowledge to a lumberjack-like american from NJ, it doesnt detract from the fact that I am now a full blown beer nerd...if I don't taste Fosters/Calsberg shite lager for the next 3000 years it would still be too soon....bring me a trappist.

It's true....just don't ask them to dance

BUT as difficult as it is to face....the year of paid fun (it really was just that) is over. But before I have to go back to work and start feeling miserable....there's one more exciting journey coming up....

As i'm sure I may have mentioned (boasted) before....I'm off to America, the West Coast precisely, for two weeks off sightseeing, fastfood eating, kraft beer drinking and surfing my ass off. Tomorrow morning 7.30am and off I go. It's a whole new experience that I've been dieing to do and cannot wait for. Two weeks of west coast road trippin', shame it couldn't be more. AND even better, my flight out involves a stop over in Düsseldorf, so I can even satisfy my currywurst craving. I'm coming back to you germany, brief rest-stop though it may be.  
The joys of America await, and after that real life will begin again...well not until after another year (or two, three, eighteen?) of Leeds University Valhalla-life. The point being, that it may be some time before I am back in Germany for extended periods of time, thus I have decided to put this blog on hiatus. Don't worry I am far from done with it, this blog will simply become the place for me to record my future germany-related musings whether from the Fatherland itself, or wherever else I may end up. In the meantime a new blog has a phoenix from an ashtray.....for more general ramblings about life, love, sense, work and travel, full of knowledge, wonder and speeling mistakes.....I suggest you see The Sandwich of Dreams 

In the meantime, bis später Deutschland, macht dir keine Sorge, wir sehen uns auf jeden. 
Hello California, where have you been all my life.............................bitches

Oh actually, both of you can fuck off

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