Sonntag, 7. November 2010

Possible Dissertation Topic:

'The Myth of German Efficiency';
how the fuck did it start and who keeps spreading this bullshit?

I've already written like 500 words on this, i could easily stretch it out to 10,000 after another 7 months here....

Changing the topic, outside of work things have been going really well here. Just got back from Düren, was in Düsseldorf a few days before..TWICE..its been awesome
- i'd write more but im feeling lazy, but expect more juicy blog entries in the next few days as i sit hopefully altbier in hand, with a bit of free time and creative inspiration. In the meantime I say tchüss bis später!

also fuck knows there's no way i'm choosing to write a dissertation next year, haven't got the patience for it...even though the paper would be the dog's bollocks. Gott sei dank i get the choice at Leeds

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