Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010

Unexpected events

So apparently "Paul the World Cup predicting octopus" - is dead

bet he didn't see that coming

awful and out of taste jokes aside, this story brings up an important theme of today - it was well random

I took my first lesson today since the Herbst Ferien, and my god was i unprepared....what little prep i had done turned out be corrupt on my usb stick (Microsoft Word strikes again!). So what did i do, for this lesson i was supposed to take, on a book ive never read, with notes that i couldn't print...
I BLAGGED IT! as you do and it went surprisingly....well actually.
I fuckin love it when that happens.

And then i had to teach this Cambridge Course thing, i was dreading it. Once again general german lack of efficiency resulted in total disorganisation; no textbooks, no classroom, no idea who my pupils are.
The Referendarin (trainee teacher) then turns to me and says, "not enough pupils signed up, so we are team teaching this lesson" (oh you bet your ass we are)
followed by, "have you prepared anything for this lesson...no?....well neither have I...can you lead?"
Great! Then Ali will just have to wing it again...so i blagged some speaking discussion about movies (i felt like talking about inception for some reason


...it may have been relevant to the course, fuck knows.

The point is, it went pretty well considering.
And just when i think my long day is over.....i get invited to join the english teachers conference thing, which was boring as hell but i was glad for the invite (yey now i'm officially in!) followed by the grand english teachers meal, which only 5 of them actually turned up to, twas a bit peinlich and i barely understood a word (herbst ferien has destroyed my german). THEN out of the blue they paid for me...sweet! free meal! Plus i got to hang around Fabrice, the only teacher who's sense of humour is just like mine (childish)
To top it all off, my housemate Dan just invited me to a Halloween party and to spend the weekend in Düsseldorf....epic! Meanwhile Tim is still an absolute enigma...i swear i havent seen that kid in like a week and i live with him xD

oh Deutschland you so crazy random.
Now im gonna go watch Garden State...i'm in that sort of mood
mostly cos this song is epic chillig (i love when the germans steal our words)

....bis bald muthafuckers xxx

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