Montag, 4. Oktober 2010

What happened to my day off?

So apparently its Projekt week, or something...which means all normal lessons are canceled and i have to come in everyday for first period to help the sixth form with their work.
Now, this wasnt all bad, as early start aside, hanging out with the sixth formers most of the day is a hell of a lot more interesting than sitting through lessons. So projekt week isnt all bad.
Trouble is though, ive been late alot this week...already and they are starting to get on my case about it. (there's only so long the im english and i didnt understand excuse works)
Now dear reader, i hear you asking, "Ali...its only monday, how the hell have you managed to be so late already?" Well dear reader, frankly i'm disappointed you asked at all, as you clearly don't seem to know me very well. Those that do (and i assume you read this religiously) will already know that i'm late, all the time, for everything....even that one time i was perfectly on time...i was still late. If i was a girl, my period would always be.....ok maybe that's taking it to far, but you get it.

Aside from that hassle though, today was pretty sweet. I got complemented on my german again (pity compliments but il take em) and the Oberstufe even said i was alot more fun than last years assistant, so hopefully if all this attendance crap comes back to bite me in the ass, at least the kids might have my back...kann sein.
There was also a brief moment today while I was walking home that i completely forgot I was in Germany. Relaxed, headphones in, english music playing...i drifted off and didnt have a clue, til two blokes in their late twenties came round the corner fully decked up in black leather trousers and big boots with the leather capes/trench coats to match.....yea that brilliant image brought me back to earth the way only two ridiculously dressed germans can.
Going shopping? Taking the dog for a walk? The trench coat is suitable for all activities

Don't think they took my massive grin and attempts to hold back laughter very well...aber ist mir egal ;P
In other news Amsterdam is only about a week away now and i'm buzzin!

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