Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010

Today was a Good Day

After my lengthy lie in today i received a phone call from Adrienne, one of the teachers at my school with an offer for some furniture. Course being as desperate as i am for Möbel i took her up on it immediately and walked the 40 mins to her house...the sun was shining so i didnt mind the walk so much.
After arriving i was greeted by an extremely cheering Adrienne. Now before today i can honestly say i didnt know Adrienne at all..just another english teacher. However, after spending an entire day with her i can now say that she is no just an english teacher, but one of the nicest, most generous and mental germans i have met so far.
It turned out that Adrienne and her husband were moving house today, and in exchange for a little heavy lifting and general help, i could take a few of their old things off their hands. I was happy to help, but i couldn't have imagined how much stuff i'd be getting in return.
Adrienne gave me a ton of great furniture, tables, chairs, shelves and loads kitchenware like plates, cups, knives and even a coffee maker...all for about 30mins of actual work. I couldn't believe it....
BUT then it got even better. Turns out Adrienne is pretty cool, she's fluent in german, english and dutch. She's lived all over the world, and she kept telling me to party, drink and smoke as much as possible before i have to grow up and raise a family (its own way this advice is both awesome and slightly depressing). She is, of course like most german women, a completely mental driver, running lights and generally looking and talking to me instead of watching the road, all while taking every opportunity to put her foot down....some might have found this terrifying but im so used to this shit now that i just couldn't stop laughing (laughter of complete terror).

Later her and her husband then began to offer me beer after beer followed closely by pizza (pretty much the combination to my heart). It turns out they both love dub and ska music, which lead to me attempting to explain the current dub scene in england auf deutsch and then quick run through of the Specials greatest hits album. This was absolutely not what i was expecting from this Aachen sunday at all.
 Rude boys outta jail!
Rude boys out on bail!
Rude boys outta jail!

And to top it off, promises of potential further  Wohnungsache, like cushions, light fixtures and even a washing machine. Plus my german was complimented not once, but 4 times today by Adrienne's various neighbours at her new and old houses.....feeling a bit chuffed too say the least :D
Only downside of today? Tomorrows day off has been canceled and replaced by a 6.30 wake up, because of stupid Köln on stupid Mittwoch - meh....fuck it

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