Montag, 18. Oktober 2010

Amsterdam an tings

The DAM.....what a place...i like to think it missed me, i definitely missed it.
Either way twas an absolute dream, its all a bit of a haze but a few clear memories stand:-

the Rokery coffee shop, head massages, chocomel, pedalos, giggles, sexyness, good times and Geoffrey the badass robot unicorn....he's a terrible person.

Also we made our own looked very similar, even better actually :-)

It was, in a word...Lovely.....great times, fine company....and i can still taste the delicious dutch pancakes nomnomnom...also  Stroopwafeln are the that shit English readers

I write this entry, sitting in Aachen in the company of the infamous Max Martin, who inspired me to write this entry and also helped me hang my mirror :D
......and as much i'd love to continue writing and reflecting on recent amsterdoom times.....i'm afraid i its time for the pub...and also i'm hungry for takeout Pommes xx

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