Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011


Einmal, bitte nur einmal, wenn die Stunde ausgefallen ist, sagt mir vor ich bin an der Schule gekommen.

Above (grammar errors and all) is what i should have said today. Once again, a lesson has been cancelled and no one thought to tell me til the last possible moment.  Typisch

Now i'm not going to lie, every time I find out a lesson is cancelled, there is a little 'thrill' of 'early freedom' to it. But still, its annoying....walking all the way to school...for nothing...then walking all the way back.
Its just a waste of my precious time, time in which i could have been fucking about doing lots of that important work I have.

Today is no exception, especially since I'd been in school all morning, basically being verarscht and treated like a substitute teacher all day, only then to come back to school in the afternoon, for absolutely no reason.....still I suppose its a blessing, since I really had kein mehr Bock for that last lesson.

Nothing left to do now but go home and get stoned complete many useful tasks and accomplish a lot.

Now there's a happy teacher

Actually, fuck it....what do i care? The weekend is almost here and i'm going to Venice bitches!
Liebe xx

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