Donnerstag, 23. September 2010

German school kids = as weird as you'd imagine

Seriously, bat shit fuckin weird......sometimes they meow at me
Z.B today during maths the kids were drawing pictures...yes maths......and one girl was drawing a rabbit warren (and calculating its circumference presumably), it was all very schöne und süsse, then she went on to draw a fox, which killed all the rabbits.......frankly i found her laughter during all this terrifying.

In other news Deutsche Post are twats and still havent delivered half the shit im expecting in terms of debit cards usw, which means access to money is, so im having to put off paying my flat deposit as long as possible.
BUT none of this matters because im going to OKTOBERFEST tomorrow! 
 My only regret is that I dont have Lederhosen...but i do have a sweet hat :D

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