Sonntag, 26. September 2010


was insane! Travelling half way across Germany for one day of mayhem might sound like a stupid idea...because it is, but none the less absolutely worth it
I don't remember much, i assume i blacked out after around the 4th or so maß bier
Its safe to say we made a good impression for the english, by being rowdy, loud and annoying...constantly forcing ourselves onto other peoples tables and drawing crap all over each other...mostly offensive german crap which went down brilliantly.

It could of been such a disaster, with lack of table booking, accomodation and mitfahr car sharing all increasing the rape factor...not to mention no lederhosen! but somehow it all just worked out :D i say its all down to the good company i had the pleasure sharing my oktober experience with....and also the sweet sweet hat i bought and lost immediately
 it really was so good

Gonna be tough to top this weekend, and the resulting least i have a day off tomorrow :D
nur zwei Woche bis Amsterdam!

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