Mittwoch, 22. September 2010

Who said the Germans were efficient?

You don't have to be in germany to know that their smoked meat eating, nice beer drinking, pickle absolutely everything - culture loves a bit of bureaucracy.

Well...this week has been somewhat of an exception. Outside of filing out the standard crossing the road permission forms, and having to show my passport in order to buy everything from an AK-47 to a sandwich, I was shocked by the lack of organisation at a German uni this week
I have been failing to anmelden the uni in Aachen for about a week and half now, to try and get my hands on the fabled (and i assume gold plated) semester ticket = free travel in NRW! . It seems that not a single employee at this place could correctly advise their own heads out of their asses. None of them have a clue, or any personality and keep continuing to  hand me from department to department....until it hits 12.45 and then they all fucking close... my British pluck finally folded and i lost my rag...which resulted in me shouting a bit in garbled German (with a strong Esssssseeeexxx accent) which believe it or not actually resulted in success! Finally one of the employees managed to pick up the phone and actually call the PAAD to verify my status as a Gäststudent (or some bollocks). So after a lengthy conversation comprised of many "oh ja..ja...ja...genau" (as if he had a fucking clue what was going on) the bloke finally hung up and turned to me.
I was expecting something along the lines of
"Sorry, you were right, you don't have to pay €500 for the Semester it is, also heres my car keys and citizenship for being such a useless german"
Instead i he said something like this,
"Sorry, you were right, it is possible...just not here because (insert bullshit reason). Try some other higher education institution...NEXT!"
What a bunch of c***s
I proceeded to get my revenge by chilling in the sun with other students, rolling cherry tobacco and listening to this  

And suddenly everything was better ;)
.....I also definitely just decided to take the rest of the day off school..not sure how well that went down :P

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