Samstag, 26. März 2011

#Oh....The weather outside, is weather#

So, its beautiful outside, the sun is shining, its the weekend.....i couldn't be happier. Well actually I could, I'd like to be in Münster for a certain Grahame's birthday....but unfortunately im broke and cant go...but at least this lovely weather is distracting me. So without further ado i'm going to go outside...ciao more thing, so i've started messing around with music again..finally and whacked a quick mix together...unfortunately its shamefully its not going on my usual youtube channel, but its not bad for something I just kind of sat down and did spontaneously, without any prep or even much thought really.....and yes I know it shows....
Well nevermind, here it is anyway, let me know what you think kiddos
Oh and apologies for it being Electro House, I don't know why I just fancied using it for some reason.

Liebe bitches xxx

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